Let’s Connect

(photo by Ruth E. Hendricks)

I welcome your input and the opportunity to connect with you through:

  • Poetry readings and class visits at colleges or universities.
  • Readings and informal conversation in homes, congregations, cafes, bookstores, or civic organizations.
  • Interfaith readings or conversations with religious studies students or congregations exploring how religious traditions live, evolve, and must be constantly re-interpreted and re-imagined.
  • Conversations That Matter – small group conversations that support reflection, connection and shared meaning making.
  • Your thoughts and comments: Have my poems or readings been of value to you? What has resonated with your own life experience? How might I improve?

To schedule a reading or class visit, to arrange for a conversation, or to contact me, please leave a comment below.  I enjoy connecting not only with literary audiences, but also with listeners who might be new to poetry.

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